

Chinese paper cutting is usually red




Graphic form the building cladding folk paper - cut art from Poland.───建筑的外形覆层图形来自波兰民间 剪纸 艺术.

I'll take paper-cut.───我就买剪纸。

Choose any kind of paper, cut it to size and roll the sheets together.───随意选几张纸, 按照抽屉的大小和形状裁剪,然后把它们卷在一起.

Yuxian paper - cut works fine carved, colorful, composition integrity, lively style.───蔚县 剪纸 刻工精细 、 色彩艳丽 、 构图完整 、 造型生动.

I am that the paper - cut .───我是那个 剪纸 的.

May: There are also some fine art crafts, including wood carving, shell ornaments and paper-cut.───阿美:那里还卖一些非常不错的工艺品,比如说木雕、贝壳饰品和剪纸。

She likes the folk art of paper - cut very much.───她十分喜爱 剪纸 这种民间艺术.

Arch and Taiwan are the paper - cut - shaped dotted line into the town of garish.───而台拱型的剪纸则以镇扎眼成虚线 状.

Colored lights at night when the exhibition hall through paper - cut patterns, highlighting the Expo architectural landscape.───入夜时展馆彩色灯光穿透 剪纸 图案, 突显世博建筑景观.

Since then, Chiang Feng - shan of the more popular paper - cut art, it is a 25 - year unremitting pursuit.───从此, 蒋风山 对 剪纸 艺术更加喜爱, 便有了长达25年的不懈追求.
