



台上───on the stage


You're putting me on the spot if you want me to perform on the stage.───让我上台表演,这不是要我的好看吗?

An elevated platform on the stage collapsed during rehearsals.───在排练时,舞台上的一个架高平台塌了。

We've programmed you to appear on the stage next week.───我们安排你在下星期出场演出.

She has been on the stage for over thirty years.───她有30多年的艺龄.

" Can you tell me how to go about getting on the stage? "───“ 你能告诉我怎么才能登台演戏 吗 ?

Already I am standing on the stage with the choir.───我已经和合唱团一起站在舞台上了。

She is putting on powder, ready to perform on the stage.───她在搽粉, 准备登台演出.

They are merely passers - by on the stage of history.───他们不过是历史舞台上 昙花一现 的人物.

The cast is [ are ] waiting on the stage.───全体演员正在舞台上等候.

The violinist walked on the stage and the duo became a trio.───那位小提琴家走上台,二重奏变成了三重奏组.


Take it easy when you are on the stage.

She found fame on the stage.

He'll bottle out when he goes on the stage.

An elevated platform on the stage collapsed during rehearsals.

You must speak loudly and clearly on the stage.

A young man with graces appeared on the stage.

The cast is waiting on the stage.

Do you hold with nudity on the stage?

What's the attraction of going on the stage?