

Educational experience on resume




It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system.───这一次竟成了他对教育体制最后的嘲弄。

If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved.───如果把改良的教育体系和其他的因素结合起来,会取得非常惊人的效果。

Empowering the underprivileged lies in assuring them that education holds the real source of power.───帮助贫困人民就要让他们相信教育是真正的力量源泉。

They called for assurances that the government is committed to its education policy.───他们要求保证政府切实执行其教育方针。

This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour.───此项教育的目的在于实现脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合.

He desired a college education.───他想受到大学教育.

primary and secondary education───中、小学教育

After repeated education they still refused to correct their errors.───经过反复教育,他们仍拒不改正错误.


She completed her formal education in 1995.

I had twelve years of good education.

Education was the key to upward social mobility.

Genius17 without education is like silver in the mine.

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.