

Ferocious farmer




From ferocious birds of prey to shy songbirds, Zuckerman has captured our avian neighbors in fascinating new ways.───从凶猛的猛禽到害羞的鸣禽,祖克曼用这种迷人的新方式来捕获了我们的鸟类邻居。

A ferocious tornado attacked the city not long ago, and caused serious damage.───前不久,这个城市遭受了龙卷风的狂烈袭击, 损失很严重.

They are eager to tie the score, continue to be adjusted, More ferocious offensive nature.───他们急于扳平比分, 不断进行调整, 攻势自然更加凶猛.

a man driven by ferocious determination───为强烈的决心所驱使的人

He drew, or rather dragged off , his ferocious helpmate.───他把他那怒气冲冲的助手拉开了, 实际上是使劲拖开的.

The badger and the snake had a ferocious battle in the woods.───獾和蛇在树林里进行了一场恶斗.

The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces.───狂风仿佛要把船撕成碎片似的.

The ferocious panther is chasing a rabbit.───那只凶猛的豹子正追赶一只兔子.

Pliosaurs are thought to have been ambush predators, using their giant flippers to launch ferocious attacks.───上龙被认为是一种埋伏型猎食者, 使用它们巨大的鳍状肢发动凶猛的进攻.

ladybird larvae are among the biggest friends we gardeners have. They're ferocious predators on problem whitefly and red spider mite.───瓢虫就是园丁们最大的朋友之一,它们是凶猛的食肉动物,专门对付白粉虱和红蜘蛛螨。
