

Opposite our school is a bank




The bank hotly denies any wrongdoing.───该银行强烈否认任何违规行为。

The police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago.───警方认为抢银行的人藏在芝加哥.

This bank has ten branches in the city.───这家银行在城里有10家分行.

She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.───她在不同的银行账户上秘密储存了一大笔钱.

The water of the lake mirrored all the trees on the bank.───湖面如镜,把岸上的树木照得清清楚楚.

The bank has been intervening in foreign exchange markets.───银行一直干预外汇市场.

It was not unusual for the bank to involved in litigation over failed companies.───银行常常卷入关于公司倒闭的官司中.

The house is mortgaged to the bank for twenty thousand dollars.───这房子以两万美元押给银行.

The bank burst and totally collapsed.───全堤溃决.

The robbers studied the layout of the bank.───这伙强盗研究了银行的布局.


They observed him entering the bank.

He pointed to something on the opposite bank.

The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.

The criminals conspired to rob a bank.

The bank was robbed by a gang of bandits.

The company's bank statements illustrate its success.

He absconded from the bank with all the money.

I don't have a bank account.

There's a bank down the road.