

horrible movie




She loaded the camera with film.───她在照相机里装了胶卷。

There's a good film on late.───深夜有一场好电影。

Jenny's writing a film script.───珍妮在写一个电影脚本。

House churches, he said, cannot afford to stay silent - one of the reasons he granted CNN rare access to film in his banned church.───家庭教堂,他补充道,不能保持沉默。这也是他邀请CNN访问被禁止的教堂的原因之一。

But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter, and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes.───但是,夜莺的声音却越来越微弱。她的翅膀开始扇动,一道掠影闪过她的眼睛。

The invention relates to an electronic element with a through hole and a manufacturing method for a film transistor element.───本发明涉及一种具导通孔的电子元件及薄膜晶体管元件的制造方法。


The film has recently won a shedload of awards.

We saw the film and afterwards walked home together.

We also went to see the film.

The film was dreadful - all spooks and vampires.

This new film will please his legions of admirers.